Solutions / Fleet Management
Driving Style Analysis
Performance induced fleet management
Driver safety
and fleet effectiveness
A crucial aspect of safe driving is driving style analysis. Analyzing drivers' behavior can lead to better performance, reduced accident risks, and lower operational costs. Regent introduces an advanced driving style analysis system, including a 'light version' that tracks essential driving behavior parameters and helps drivers drive safer and more efficiently.
Driving analysis in-depth
Our 'light version' of driving style analysis emphasizes key aspects of driving behavior, monitoring speed, rapid acceleration, aggressive cornering, and driving through speed bumps. These features are enabled by an intelligent accelerometer measuring G-forces.
The accelerometer measures the accelerations and deaccelerations of the vehicle, translating this information into usable data about driving behavior. The system is designed to help drivers become more aware of their driving habits and to encourage them to drive in a safer and more efficient way. How does this work in practice? Our point system plays a crucial role in driving style analysis. Each time a driver exhibits behavior considered unsafe, such as taking a corner too fast or accelerating abruptly, points are deducted. These points are tracked and serve as a benchmark for the driver's behavior.
A score-board of the driving style analysis helps promote safer driving and lowers the risk of accidents, saving lives and lowering repair and insurance costs. Additionally, it helps cut fuel expenses through promoting smoother driving habits and reducing fleets operational costs. The 'light version' of our driving style analysis system covers a selection from many features available in our advanced system. As a distributor in the Benelux of the Netradyne system, we have access to the ultimate driving style analysis system. This advanced system provides many insights into drivers' behavior, raising the bar for driving style analysis.
The system not only provides insights into basic parameters such as speed and cornering behavior but also uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify advanced patterns and risk factors. For example, the system can issue warnings in case of driver fatigue, distracted driving, or unsafe overtaking. This goes beyond the 'light version' and provides a more comprehensive assessment of driving behavior.
The benefits of driving style analysis go beyond safety and cost savings. It also contributes to a positive image of your company. Customers and partners appreciate your commitment to road safety and sustainability. In short, driving style analysis is a valuable tool for any fleet management. Whether it's the 'light version' or the advanced Netradyne system, it helps drivers drive safer and improves overall fleet performance. It's an investment in safety, efficiency, and success on the road.
Contact us today to discover how we can help secure your vehicles and recover stolen vehicles quickly and efficiently.
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Our Tracking Devices
Connect Route
Alle Sloopwerktuigen, trilstampers/platen
• Installatie - bedraad systeem
• Live tracking
• Route geschiedenis
• Draaiuren registratie
• Machinist registratie
• Startonderbreker
• Beveiliging features
• Externe Sensoren Koppelen
Connect Spider
lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking
• Actuele locaties
• Alle start / stop locaties
• Beveiliging features
• Draaiuren registratie
• Transporturen registratie
Connect GeoTAG XL-F
lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking
• Brandstof meten in IBC's
• Altijd direct inzicht in verbruik
• Actuele locaties
• Communicatie via LPWAN Sigfox netwerk
• Real-time waarschuwingen
• Langdurig autonoom dankzij accu pack
• Draadloos en eenvoudig te monteren
Our smart trackers combine various location tracking systems and fit them into one powerful device (or a combination of devices), allowing accurate tracking and quick theft recovery. We offer both: active and passive alarm center services, supporting and significantly speeding up the process of the stolen vehicle recovery. Our professional tracking services are available 24/7.
April 2, 2022 / 3 min read
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De autonome volgsystemen van Regent Mobile
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Regent Mobile helpt u de CO2-prestatieladder beklimmen
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