
Solutions / Security

W2 Immobilizer


Tracking devices are available 24/7

What is a
W2 Immobilizer?

A W2 immobilizer is an advanced security system that prevents a machine from starting without proper authorisation. This means that even if somebody gains access to the machine, they cannot use it or move it without the correct access rights.

An essential feature of an effective W2 immobilizer is VBV/SCM certification, which is a proof that the system meets the highest security and quality standards.

Why are
W2 Immobilizers so effective:

Unmatched theft prevention:


Effective prevention of use of a stolen asset. The machine remains unusable without the proper authorisation.

Authorisation flexibility:


Owners can determine who is authorised to use the machine, providing full control over access to the equipment

VBV/SCM approval


The VBV/SCM certification provides owners with peace of mind, assuring them of the quality and reliability of the security system.

Adaptable to various machines


W2 immobilizers are suitable for different types of machines, from excavators to agricultural vehicles, and can be customized to the specific needs of the user.

Invisible to third parties


A W2 immobilizer is not visible on the outside of the machine making it almost impossible to locate and dismantle

How Does
a W2 Immobilizer Work?

A W2 immobilizer is designed to prevent a machine from starting without following the proper procedure. The system typically requires a combination of authorization codes, keys, or other verification methods before the machine can be turned on. This effectively locks the machine and protects it from unauthorized use.

Contact us today to discover how we can help secure your vehicles and recover stolen vehicles quickly and efficiently.


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Ik accepteer

de regelgeving


Our active alarm center provides 24/7 real-time monitoring. If a suspicious situation is detected, our experts immediately contact you and engage emergency services to intervene quickly. This significantly accelerates the recovery process.

Contact Us

+31 088-9900106

Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 18:00

Sat: 08:30 - 15:30


Our Tracking Devices

device Route

Connect Route

Alle Sloopwerktuigen, trilstampers/platen

• Installatie - bedraad systeem

• Live tracking

• Route geschiedenis

• Draaiuren registratie

• Machinist registratie

• Startonderbreker

• Beveiliging features

• Externe Sensoren Koppelen

device Spider

Connect Spider

lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking

• Actuele locaties

• Alle start / stop locaties

• Beveiliging features

• Draaiuren registratie

• Transporturen registratie

device GeoTAG XL-F

Connect GeoTAG XL-F

lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking

• Brandstof meten in IBC's

• Altijd direct inzicht in verbruik

• Actuele locaties

• Communicatie via LPWAN Sigfox netwerk

• Real-time waarschuwingen

• Langdurig autonoom dankzij accu pack

• Draadloos en eenvoudig te monteren









Tuin & Park


Logistiek & Transport


Our smart trackers combine various location tracking systems and fit them into one powerful device (or a combination of devices), allowing accurate tracking and quick theft recovery. We offer both: active and passive alarm center services, supporting and significantly speeding up the process of the stolen vehicle recovery. Our professional tracking services are available 24/7.


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