Solutions / Sensoring
Energy Measurement
Most advanced sensoring solutions
Monitor your energy spending
Energy is one of the most valuable resources. Measuring and managing electricity consumption is not only a financial consideration but also a significant step towards sustainability. It enables organizations to understand, optimize, and contribute to a reduced ecological footprint. One of the keys to effective energy measurement is the use of advanced technologies, such as the AdvanGrid plug-n-play sensors.
How does it work?
Measuring energy in a network starts with the basics: how much electricity is being consumed? This includes monitoring the total amount of electricity being consumed, whether at home, in a business building, or an industrial complex. Collecting this data provides insight into consumption patterns, allowing users to make informed decisions about when and how they use energy.
Another crucial aspect of energy measurement is the quality of the supplied power. This refers to the purity of electricity, including aspects such as voltage and frequency. Stable and clean power supply is crucial for the operation of sensitive equipment and to prevent issues like voltage spikes. Measuring power quality is essential for detecting and addressing problems and maintaining efficiency.
Important facet of energy measurement is measuring the amount of power fed back into the grid. This is especially relevant for businesses with solar energy installations or other forms of decentralized energy generation. It is crucial to accurately measure the energy generated and fed back into the grid to maximize financial benefits and contribute to more efficient use of renewable energy sources. Peak shaving is a concept becoming increasingly important in energy measurement. It refers to identifying periods when energy consumption significantly increases and implementing measures to reduce this peak load. This not only has financial benefits but also contributes to managing the load on the energy network and can help prevent overload and outages.
What exactly do the AdvanGrid Sensors entail?
One of the innovative approaches to address all these aspects of energy measurement is the use of AdvanGrid plug-n-play sensors. These sensors are designed to be easily mounted without requiring power interruptions or adjustments to wiring. The data collected by the AdvanGrid sensors is then read online in real-time. This means users have access to their energy consumption data with a minimal delay of just 5 seconds. Using an online system for energy measurement has significant advantages. It reduces costs by helping users better understand and optimize their energy consumption. All in all, energy measurement is a crucial step towards a more sustainable and efficient energy supply.
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Our Tracking Devices
Connect Route
Alle Sloopwerktuigen, trilstampers/platen
• Installatie - bedraad systeem
• Live tracking
• Route geschiedenis
• Draaiuren registratie
• Machinist registratie
• Startonderbreker
• Beveiliging features
• Externe Sensoren Koppelen
Connect Spider
lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking
• Actuele locaties
• Alle start / stop locaties
• Beveiliging features
• Draaiuren registratie
• Transporturen registratie
Connect GeoTAG XL-F
lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking
• Brandstof meten in IBC's
• Altijd direct inzicht in verbruik
• Actuele locaties
• Communicatie via LPWAN Sigfox netwerk
• Real-time waarschuwingen
• Langdurig autonoom dankzij accu pack
• Draadloos en eenvoudig te monteren
Our smart trackers combine various location tracking systems and fit them into one powerful device (or a combination of devices), allowing accurate tracking and quick theft recovery. We offer both: active and passive alarm center services, supporting and significantly speeding up the process of the stolen vehicle recovery. Our professional tracking services are available 24/7.
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