Solutions / Security
Hand equipment Tracking
Tracking devices are available 24/7
Protection of high-risk
theft assets
In technical companies, hand equipment often constitutes the most stolen asset. These essential tools are constantly on the move, moving from one project to another, and are utilized by various team members within the organization. This creates numerous opportunities for theft.
We offer advanced hand equipment tracking systems and recovery support.
Why hand equipment
is prone to theft - key factors:
Easy to move
Frequently shared among employees
Often left unattended
Regent's solutions for
(Hand) Equipment Tracking
We provide effective solutions for tracking and recovering your hand equipment, regardless of its location. Our TAG-line products allow you to seamlessly integrate with the vehicle tracking system, keeping you informed of the location of your equipment. This integration ensures that you can efficiently track your assets, even as they travel from one project to another.
Micro Trackers for independent tracking
In addition to vehicle integration, we also offer standalone Micro Trackers. These compact devices can be easily attached to your hand equipment, allowing you to track them independently, even when they are outside your vehicle. This provides you with maximum flexibility and control over your assets.
Protecting your hand equipment is crucial for the continuity of your operations and ensuring proper project efficiency. With Regent's tracking systems, you can, not only minimize the chance of theft, but also effectively and quickly trace stolen hand equipment.
Quick recovery & efficient management
In the unfortunate event of theft, with our tracking solutions, you can act swiftly to locate stolen hand equipment before irreparable damage occurs. Hand equipment tracking enables you to efficiently manage your assets and ensure they are always available when you need them.
Regent understands the unique challenges that technical companies face in managing and protecting hand equipment. Our advanced tracking systems are designed to provide you peace of mind and minimize the risk of theft. Protect your valuable hand equipment and minimize the impact of theft on your business operations. With Regent's hand equipment tracking solutions, you can confidently look ahead and execute your projects without worrying about the loss of your valuable assets.**
Contact us today to discover how we can help secure your vehicles and recover stolen vehicles quickly and efficiently.
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Our Tracking Devices
Connect Route
Alle Sloopwerktuigen, trilstampers/platen
• Installatie - bedraad systeem
• Live tracking
• Route geschiedenis
• Draaiuren registratie
• Machinist registratie
• Startonderbreker
• Beveiliging features
• Externe Sensoren Koppelen
Connect Spider
lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking
• Actuele locaties
• Alle start / stop locaties
• Beveiliging features
• Draaiuren registratie
• Transporturen registratie
Connect GeoTAG XL-F
lle objecten zonder accu - Asset tracking
• Brandstof meten in IBC's
• Altijd direct inzicht in verbruik
• Actuele locaties
• Communicatie via LPWAN Sigfox netwerk
• Real-time waarschuwingen
• Langdurig autonoom dankzij accu pack
• Draadloos en eenvoudig te monteren
Our smart trackers combine various location tracking systems and fit them into one powerful device (or a combination of devices), allowing accurate tracking and quick theft recovery. We offer both: active and passive alarm center services, supporting and significantly speeding up the process of the stolen vehicle recovery. Our professional tracking services are available 24/7.
April 2, 2022 / 3 min read
Onze kleinste gereedschapstracker werkt zelfs in handapparatuur
Elektrische handapparatuur is kostbaar. Het is dan ook een flinke kostenpost bij menig technisch bedrijf. Buiten diefstal wordt handapparatuur vaker dan u lief is per ongeluk achtergelaten of simpelweg misplaatst… Hoe vindt u het weer terug? We vertellen u graag meer over ons volgsysteem voor handapparatuur, de nieuwste ontwikkeling op het gebied van gereedschapsbeheer.
July 13, 2021 / 3 min read
De autonome volgsystemen van Regent Mobile
Regent Mobile levert verschillende soorten systemen waarmee u mobiele objecten op afstand kunt volgen en uitlezen. We noemen dit ook wel autonome volgsystemen of gps-trackers. Onze autonome volgsystemen zijn in verschillende varianten verkrijgbaar. We zetten in dit artikel de mogelijkheden en opties op een rijtje.
July 13, 2021 / 3 min read
Regent Mobile helpt u de CO2-prestatieladder beklimmen
De CO2-prestatieladder helpt bedrijven om hun CO2-uitstoot te verminderen. Om tot een certificering te komen, is het nodig om te meten wat uw bedrijf op dit moment uitstoot en wat het effect is van CO2-besparende maatregelen. Regent Mobile helpt u met meetsystemen voor brandstof en energie.